Client Features

Client Features

Server authetification

If you are using our Client, you don’t have to enter /login, you can just press L.


Become immortal by pressing F4.

God mode

Move with the speed of light and pass through the walls by pressing V.

Unlimited mana and ammunitions

Press F5 to get infinite mana and ammunitions.

Ghost mode

Press Left Alt to pass through a wall.

Player’s list

Press U to get the whole list of players on the server.

Teleport close to someone

Hold Left Alt + scroll mouse to instant teleport.

Copy inventory

To copy the inventory of another player:

  1. Place the mouse on the player.
  2. Press I.

If you want to have your inventory back, place the mouse somewhere else (empty place) and press I.

Spy on the player

  1. Place your mouse on him.
  2. Press J.

To come back to your character, press J.

Copy buildings from the server into your world

Our Client allows you to copy a rectangle area, and then paste it into your own world:

  1. Place your mouse in the corner of the area you want to copy.
  2. Press and hold C.
  3. Move your mouse into the opposite corner of the area you want to copy.
  4. Release C.
  5. Load your local world.
  6. Choose a place to past the area.
  7. Place your mouse in the upper left corner of the area you want to past to.
  8. Press CTRL+C.

List of items

Press CTRL+tab to open a window that will show you a list of every items.
The list may contain many pages, scroll down your mouse to read it.

Shut down сlient features

Press F3 to shut down сlient features.

Memorizing commands

The Client remembers the 15 last commands “/” you entered.
To take a look at commands you entered before, open a chat and press PgUp or PgDown.


LeftCTRL + right mouse click.

Teleport to spawn point

Press Home to move your character on spawn point.

Teleport to last death point

Press R to move at the place where you were dead.


Type /proj [projectile id] in chat to charge the ammunition.
Type /projs [speed] to increase the ammunition speed.
Type /projd [damage value] to modify the damage.

Shot is done by pressing the scroll wheel of the mouse.
Projectile IDs

Client features that require admin access

Kill a player

  1. Place the mouse on someone.
  2. Press F to kill him.

Heal someone

Press Y to heal yourself, or place the mouse on other player, and press Y to heal him.

Kick a player

Place the mouse on someone, and press X.

Ban a player

  1. Place the mouse on the player.
  2. Press F1 to ban the nickname; or press F2 to ban the IP adress.

Information about the player

Place your mouse on a player and press U to get all info about the player.


Use + and — to change to passe from day to night.

Spawn bosses

Press NumLock_1 and a bosses will spawn.

Kill enemy mobs

Press NumLock_0 to butcher all the enemy mobs.

Working with regions

Creating Region

  1. Place the mouse in the first point of the region.
  2. Press Q.
  3. Hold Q and place the mouse in the second point.
  4. Release Q.
  5. Place your mouse on a player*, and press Q.
  6. Place your mouse elsewhere (some empty space), and press Q again.

Verify existence of a region

  1. Place your mouse approximatively where you think the region is.
  2. Press N (you will see the name of the region).

Add players into created region

  1. Place your mouse on the area, where you think the region is.
  2. Press N.
  3. Place your mouse on the player that you want to add into region, and press Q.
  4. Place your mouse elsewhere (some empty space), and press Q.

Delete a region

  1. Select the area with the region.
  2. Press N.
  3. Press Ctrl+X to delete it.

Add yourself into region

After selecting the area with Q, press F6 to add yourself there

*That a player did not run away, place your mouse on him and press the mouse wheel in order to freeze for 5 seconds.

Delete items within 50 blocks radius

Press LeftAlt+C.

Retrieve the history of a certain tile

Place your mouse on a tile, and press LeftAlt+ right click.

Edit the world

To use commands WorldEdit you need to activate NumLock, because most of commands are on Numpad.

Select an area to work

  1. Place your mouse on the first point, and press Z.
  2. Hold Z, and move your mouse on the second point.
  3. Release Z.

Chose a wall/block/colour of a tile

  1. Place your mouse on the tile.
  2. Press Z, and release. The ID of the wall/block/tile will appear in the chat

Replace a tile

  1. Place your mouse on the first tile to replace, and press Z.
  2. Place your mouse on the second tile to put in the place of the fist one, and press Z.
  3. Select an area to replace a tile.
  4. Press NumPad_SLASH to complete the replacing.

Copy buildings from solo game, or from extern server

  1. Select the area to copy (To know how, please check “Copy buildings from the server into your world”).
  2. Create a scheme Right Click+S.
  3. Login to server with the same nickname.
  4. Load the scheme into buffer by pressing Right CTRL+D.
  5. Select the upper left corner, and press Z.
  6. Paste the area from buffer by pressing NumPad_PLUS

Other commands

  • Fill all the spaces of a chosen area with chosen tile NumPad_9
  • Fill the whole area with a chosen tile NumPad_ASTERISK
  • Delete the selected tile from a chosen area NumPad_DEL
  • Fill the counter of a chosen area with “dirt” NumPad_3
  • Fill the selected area with water NumPad_4
  • Fill the selected area with lava NumPad_5
  • Fill the tiles of a chosen area with a selected colour NumPad_6
  • Fill the selected area with “dirt” NumPad_7
  • Clear the selected area NumPad_8
  • Copy the selected area into buffer NumPad_MINUS
  • Paste an area from the buffer NumPad_PLUS
  • Rotate the area within the buffer by 90° NumPad_2
  • Clear the world from enemy bioms End
  • Cancel last action PgDn
  • Redo last action PgUp